A data center is a facility which holds a lot of hosting servers. The machines could be used for numerous functions - web hosting, file and picture storage, computing, and so forth. All large firms which provide online services have their web servers in one or numerous data centers since such a facility can provide the necessary conditions and security for the info located on the servers. This includes environmental settings for the humidity and temperature so as to guarantee the optimal performance and long life of the machines, backup power generators, hardware monitoring and last, but not least, physical protection as to ensure that that your information can't be accessed by an unauthorized third-party. A inadequately performing data center may very easily undermine the services that a business provides.

Data centers in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting servers are housed in 5 of the biggest data centers worldwide located in Chicago (USA), Coventry (UK), Pori (FI), Sofia (BG) and Sydney (AU). We offer the same standard of service everywhere because our state-of-the-art cloud platform is available in all 5 of them, but for your convenience, you will be able to select the one you wish. The continuous operation of your Internet sites will be guaranteed by effective diesel backup generators and numerous backbone Internet Service Providers which every one of the facilities uses in the respective country. The data centers have expert support teams that keep an eye on all web servers 24/7 and since your Internet sites shall be hosted on our advanced cluster platform, you could be certain that you shall enjoy quick and reliable service at all times. All 5 facilities are available on the order page, so you'll be able to pick the one nearest to you or to your target area.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We offer our effective semi-dedicated hosting packages in five data centers situated on three continents so as to make sure that irrespective of where you or your site visitors are situated, your sites shall always be accessible at great speed. Colohouse in the United States, UK Servers in England, Amaze in AU, S3Company in BG and Ficolo in Finland are the facilities that you will find on our order page and you shall be able to opt for any one of them with a click. We employ these data centers because they are among the biggest ones inside their respective country and they all offer great infrastructure for the web servers that are part of the cloud hosting platform in which we build semi-dedicated accounts. Numerous Internet providers with high-speed routes to numerous large cities on the 3 continents, an separate UPS unit for every server and effective backup generators are just a couple of the reasons to pick out these facilities, not mentioning their proficient technical support crews which are able to handle any unexpected issue in no time. We've been working with them for years and we have experienced first-hand the excellent level of service they offer, which subsequently permits us to provide first-class Internet hosting services to all our customers.

Data centers in VPS Web Hosting

If you decide to host your sites on an OpenVZ-powered VPS from our company, you'll be able to choose any of the 5 data center locations which we offer. Colohouse in Chicago, USA, UK Servers near Conventry, England, Amaze in Sydney, AU, S3Company in Sofia, BG and Ficolo in Pori, Finland, offer exceptional collocation services that permit us to focus on constantly improving our VPS Internet hosting service. The diesel backup power generators, numerous Internet lines and the knowledgeable 24/7 support are a few of the reasons why we have chosen these facilities, offering you in turn the chance to pick your preferred location. The service which we offer is identical in all 5 data centers, including the NVMe-powered physical web servers where your virtual one shall be set up, so you can get the most from your VPS whatever the data center location that you pick during the signup process. That way, both you and your website visitors can enjoy fantastic loading speeds and exceptional performance of your sites.

Data centers in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We have chosen the Colohouse data center in Chicago, USA, for our dedicated servers for a reason - the facility delivers the very best conditions for the optimal operation of any server accommodated there. Highly effective diesel generators and UPS systems will keep all hosting servers operational even in case there is no electrical power for days while using several Internet suppliers ensures that any content that you have on your dedicated machine will be accessible at all times. Given that the data center is located in the middle of North America, any website visitor across the continent shall be able to browse through your sites as fast as their own Internet access permits them to. The facility features fiber connections to both Coasts and to several major cities within the United States and Canada, which makes it the perfect location if you want to reach web users even from Mexico or Latin America. The correct functioning of your machine is ensured by a qualified support staff which will handle any hardware issue 24/7. To be on the safe side, we've got spare web servers and parts, therefore your sites will be online all of the time.