One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
In case you’re using one of our Linux cloud hosting packages and you’ve got an enquiry or come across a certain obstacle, you can contact us 24-7-365 by posting a customer support ticket or by writing an e-mail and we guarantee that you’ll receive a reply in no more than one hour. In case the issue can be sorted out, we’ll do it before we respond, whereas in case there’s something that you have to do on your end, we will give you all the needed details – what settings to check, what workable solutions to try, and so on. Usually, you’ll obtain an answer within no more than half an hour, which means that waiting around for hours or even for more than 1 day to get help is something inconceivable. Our 60-minute response guarantee is valid for any query that you might have – billing, general or technical.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Since we realize how vital it is to obtain timely support, we promise that you’ll never have to wait around for more than 1 hour to obtain a response to any ticket that you send through your semi-dedicated server CP. Actually, you’ll seldom have to wait around for more than 20 to 30 minutes and this is valid for any inquiry irrespective of its nature – technical, billing or general. Plus, our customer and technical support staff is on duty night and day, which means that even if you post a ticket during holidays, you will always get a lightning-fast reply, which will include the answer to an inquiry, the solution to an obstacle or the information required to resolve an issue yourself – if there’s something that you need to do on your end. With us, you will never need to spend a whole day waiting around for a reply like you would with lots of other web hosting companies.