When you get a virtual or a dedicated server, you can use it not just to host your own websites, but, in addition to resell web hosting plans to other people. This will help you make good money, as the number of people who build their first site increases and the need for web hosting services is growing each and every year. Other than the server itself, you will also need a merchant account with a payment processor, which will enable you to accept payments online, and a billing application so that you can link the two of them. To use your own server means to have extra control when compared to the traditional hosting reseller programs. If, for example, a customer has to run some script which needs a certain application to be present on the server, there will not be any problem to set it up on a virtual or a dedicated machine, but it'll be not possible to do that on a shared server where all reseller accounts are set up. With small effort and investment, you will have the opportunity to start a successful hosting business of yours and to be a part of the ever-growing website hosting market.

Reselling Options in VPS Web Hosting

When you acquire one of the powerful virtual private servers packages that we offer, we will make it really easy for you to launch a reseller business. We provide two website hosting Control Panels that will enable you to do this - cPanel and DirectAdmin. They both have a reseller and a client level, which means that you are able to make packages and start selling them without delay. For the cPanel-equipped servers, we also provide a zero cost domain reseller account with eNom, one of the largest domain name service providers out there, that will save you the cash which you will have to deposit if you register with them directly. Furthermore, we will give you the powerful ClientExec - a multifunctional payment and support solution which works with all the major payment processors. It'll enable you to generate invoices, to set package prices and to offer ticket support to your customers easily. All VPS plans feature full root-level access, that will provide you with full control of the server and will allow you to start and maintain a prosperous hosting reseller business.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We sell powerful Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that will allow you to launch a reseller business in just a few simple steps. Our packages are different when it comes to price and resources, and you'll be able to choose the most appropriate one based on how many clients you want or expect to have. Due to the fact that you'll have root-level access, you'll be able to adjust any setting or set up any server-side software you'd like. There're three hosting Control Panels you're able to select from on the order page - DirectAdmin, cPanel and Hepsia. You can use the first two, as they have both client and reseller back-ends, and with DirectAdmin you may even have resellers of your own. cPanel does not have this functionality, but with each and every dedicated server obtained with this Control Panel we offer two freebies - a domain name reseller account with eNom, that is one of the largest domain registrars out there, and ClientExec, a powerful billing and support platform which will help you provide ticket support, to set up website hosting packages and collect payments over the Internet.