For years there was a particular reputable method to keep information on your personal computer – using a hard disk drive (HDD). Nonetheless, this sort of technology is by now demonstrating it’s age – hard drives are really noisy and slow; they are power–ravenous and have a tendency to create quite a lot of heat during serious procedures.

SSD drives, in contrast, are swift, consume way less energy and they are far less hot. They feature a brand new solution to file access and storage and are years in advance of HDDs with regard to file read/write speed, I/O performance and also energy effectivity. Observe how HDDs fare against the modern SSD drives.

1. Access Time


Due to a radical new method to disk drive general performance, SSD drives allow for considerably faster data accessibility speeds. With an SSD, file access times are far lower (as little as 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives make use of spinning disks for data storage reasons. Each time a file is being used, you have to await the appropriate disk to get to the appropriate place for the laser to reach the data file involved. This translates into a regular access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


On account of the very same radical approach which enables for a lot faster access times, it is possible to experience improved I/O efficiency with SSD drives. They’re able to carry out two times as many operations during a specific time compared with an HDD drive.

An SSD can deal with at least 6000 IO’s per second.


With a HDD drive, the I/O performance gradually raises the more you use the drive. Having said that, once it extends to a particular limit, it can’t proceed swifter. And because of the now–old concept, that I/O limit is a lot less than what you could receive with a SSD.

HDD can only go as much as 400 IO’s per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are lacking any kind of moving parts, which means that there’s a lot less machinery inside them. And the less physically moving elements you’ll find, the fewer the likelihood of failing are going to be.

The standard rate of failing of any SSD drive is 0.5%.


With an HDD drive to work, it needs to spin a few metallic disks at a minimum of 7200 rpm, holding them magnetically stabilized in the air. They have a substantial amount of moving parts, motors, magnets and also other devices loaded in a small location. Consequently it’s no surprise the normal rate of failure of any HDD drive ranges between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are far smaller than HDD drives as well as they don’t possess any kind of moving parts whatsoever. It means that they don’t create just as much heat and require considerably less energy to operate and fewer power for chilling reasons.

SSDs take in somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the time they were created, HDDs have been extremely energy–ravenous systems. Then when you have a hosting server with a couple of HDD drives, this can boost the monthly utility bill.

On average, HDDs consume in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


Because of SSD drives’ better I/O efficiency, the main web server CPU will be able to work with data calls more rapidly and preserve time for additional functions.

The standard I/O delay for SSD drives is only 1%.


As compared with SSDs, HDDs allow for reduced data file accessibility speeds. The CPU will be required to wait around for the HDD to come back the demanded file, scheduling its assets meanwhile.

The average I/O delay for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


Almost all of our new web servers now use only SSD drives. Our very own lab tests have established that utilizing an SSD, the typical service time for any I/O request whilst performing a backup remains under 20 ms.


Compared to SSD drives, HDDs provide noticeably reduced service times for input/output demands. In a web server backup, the standard service time for an I/O request can vary between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Discussing backups and SSDs – we have spotted a substantual advancement in the back–up speed as we transferred to SSDs. Today, a standard hosting server back up will take simply 6 hours.


On the flip side, on a hosting server with HDD drives, a similar back–up usually takes three to four times as long in order to complete. A complete backup of any HDD–equipped server often takes 20 to 24 hours.

To be able to straight away enhance the general performance of one’s web sites while not having to alter any code, an SSD–driven hosting solution will be a good alternative. Check out our Linux cloud hosting packages packages and our Linux VPS web hosting packages – these hosting services have extremely fast SSD drives and can be found at inexpensive price points.

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