To maintain a fast streaming web site, you should have a clean and well structured backend code. Inside the Hosting Control Panel, you’ll find a list of tools that will help you accelerate your site’s efficiency without the need to edit anything with the code. The Web Site Acceleration Tools – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish won’t only aid you to supply better loading rates to your visitors and so decrease site exit volumes, but could even skyrocket your web site higher in the search engine ranking positions.

To implement the Web Site Acceleration Tools, merely access your Hosting Control Panel and create an instance for the one you need.


RAM–caching as a substitute for data base calls

Should you have an active database–powered website or web application, it could have issues running speedy for the site visitors because of the different calls sent to the database. To let you address the web–page streaming trouble, we’ve incorporated the Memcached system within the Hosting Control Panel.

Memcached is really an effective distributed memory object caching system, which caches data and objects in the server’s RAM to prevent the database from getting asked any time a customer opens a specific web page. In this way, your web site pages will start a lot quicker for site visitors and will improve the possibility for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing rather than HTTP queries

If you have content–intense busy websites with lot’s of pics plus online videos, you’ll undoubtedly need to be sure that your pages stream extremely fast for your site visitors. A really good instrument you should use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you speed up your websites without demanding that you possess any particular tech abilities.

Varnish stores all demands towards the web server in the server’s RAM and ships the pages speedily to the website visitor by evading new calls to the server. By doing this, the pages on your web site will be opened 300 – 1000x times faster for your website visitors. Additionally, you can opt for if the inbound queries will be managed by Varnish, or by the server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Produce adaptable applications easily

Node.js delivers an advanced programming system for producing adaptable applications and web sites in record time. It can be utilized for almost anything – from controlling API calls, streaming files and also parsing emails to transforming photos, audio files, video clips and office docs.

It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and effective. Moreover, Node.js is known for a substantial loyal community that produces regular revisions for the system and is also at all times happy to help.

Hepsia File Manager